Spring into Summer Fitness Tips
As the weather warms up we’ll all be spending more time outdoors in the glorious sunshine, making now the perfect time to get summer-ready. Kick start your fitness journey with these tips!
Hands up if you spent the winter months indoors rugged up on the couch forgetting about your fitness goals. Okay, that’s a lot of us, but we understand. However, our bodies might not be so forgiving. It’s heating up, and it’s time to get active, and start bringing those fitness goals to life again.
Sun’s out, fun’s in. Kick the winter habits and move into summer fitter and more motivated with these workout tips
Workout Time
The sun is rising earlier, and maybe you should consider doing the same. Working out early in the morning means you’ll have more time during the day to enjoy yourself and spend time with friends. But if you’re definitely not a morning person, consider swapping that workout to night time rather than in the heat of the day. Plus, working out at night can help boost your metabolism.
Sun Protection
Enjoying the sunshine is the perfect way to spend a warm spring day, but don’t forget to look after your skin. Warm weather means less clothes, and more exposed skin; protecting yourself from the sun is so important. If you’re exercising outside make sure you apply sunscreen, wear sun-smart clothing and don’t forget a hat and sunglasses.
Water is always one of the best health boosters so make every effort to stay hydrated. Far too many of us don’t drink the recommended 2 litres of water per day, but it’s so important if you want to get through your workout effectively and safely. On top of the well-known hydration benefits, water carries nutrients around our bodies, increases metabolism, and helps us digest food. So get drinking.
Mix Up Your Workouts
It’s the perfect time of the year to try something new. Cool down with a swim, join a yoga or pilates class, or go on long walks and hiking adventures in places you’ve been waiting to see.
Get motivated with summer just around the corner and dedicate your spring to fitness.