The A – Z of Happier Living
Life can be stressful at times, and it moves pretty fast. But, as the wise Ferris Bueller once said; “If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
Finding happiness shouldn’t feel like a chore, so take a step back, and take a moment to forget all the overwhelming things going on in your life. Choose to be a little easier on yourself, and live a little simpler. You’d be amazed at the difference that a more positive attitude can have on your overall wellbeing.
To give you a little push in the right direction, we’ve got the A – Z for living life more fulfilled. Yep, 26 ways to turn up the happiness. Let’s go!
Ask your friends, your family, and most importantly, ask yourself how you are feeling. Connecting and making time to talk about what’s going on in your life and your head, and listening to what’s going on in theirs can be healthy, humbling and freeing.
Find it, and maintain it. Our lives are made up of so many things – work, family, socialising, exercising, relationships, and all the rest in between. It’s important to understand how the right balance feels for you, and how to adjust it if it’s a little off.
Find a little creativity and motivation in the kitchen and start cooking, no matter how refined or unrefined your cheffing skills might be. Get in there and give it a go.
This is pretty self-explanatory. Who doesn’t love dogs? Pat them, play with them, walk them, and You Tube them for instant happiness.
Keeping physically fit is not only good for the body, it’s great for your mind. So get out there and get active!
Food can be nourishing, and it can also be therapeutic. It’s best to find a healthy balance, but don’t deprive yourself of anything, just treat yourself in moderation.
Good Deeds
It’s so true that doing something nice for someone else can make you feel good.
Love thy home because it’s where you can be most comfortable. Plus, a little spring cleaning and redecorating can be a mood booster. There’s nothing like throwing out the trash.
Introduce Yourself
Put yourself out there by introducing yourself to new people, or new activities. You could find something some really love.
Writing can be really beneficial to organising your mind and feelings, and it’s great for venting.
Kick Goals
You can do anything you set your mind to, it all starts with a plan, so go for it.
They say it’s the best medicine, but it’s also pretty contagious, so find funny friends, and share some belly laughs.
Practise mindfulness and meditation. There are so many classes, and even apps available to help you relax and be more present.
It’s okay to say ‘no’ sometimes. Don’t do something if you really don’t want to. Be honest with yourself, you’ll be surprised how free you feel when you choose to put your needs first.
Get out in the elements and let the fresh air cleanse your mind.
Pamper Yourself
Make yourself feel good by doing the things you enjoy. Don’t wait for a special occasion, start living in the now. Treat yourself.
Quiet Time
Sometimes being alone in your own quiet zone is all the relaxation you need.
Pick up that book you’ve been meaning to read for years. Put the phone down when you get into bed and read a few pages each night instead.
Getting enough shut-eye is so important for your body and brain so aim for 7 – 8 hours per night.
Go as far and as often as you can. There’s nothing like travel to put everything into perspective.
At the end of a long day, relax, switch off from social media and your devices, and unwind your mind properly.
Making time for others is important, whether it’s your friends or family, plan regular catch ups and do something you’ll all enjoy.
Clear the mind with a nice long walk. If you need some motivation or a buddy to talk to along the way, ask a friend to join you. Better yet, commit to making it a regular venture, whether it’s every day or a few times a week.
We couldn’t think of anything relevant that starts with ‘X’. And you know what? That’s okay. Sometimes accepting that it’s time to stop over-thinking and searching for something can be all the liberation you need.
It gets the body moving, relieves stress, and can even improve our mental health.
Find yours. You may find it relaxing, you may find it after a hardcore workout. Whatever it takes, if it works for you, it’s right for you.
So there we have it, 26 tips to a better wellbeing. Which ones are you going to start with?